Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hongkong Trip Part IV

HK - 29 jul 2011

Woke up early for the anicom exhibition. Had breakfast at a local Cha Can Ting and went straight to Wanchai where the exhibition was held. Check out the queue! The news reported that the first guy had started queuing 8/9 days before!

There was a special queue just for tourists together with the disabled and aged people. This queue was like 100x shorter than the normal one. Actually hubby had already ordered all the figurines that he wanted from one of the shop, so we went to the exhibition just to check out the stores and to soak up the atmosphere. Youngsters here are really very much into all different types of comics, be it HK, US or Japanese ones. There were also many teenagers who are into cosplay. Didn't take any photos of those, though.

Hubby's must-visit booth!

Stuff he ordered (which will be posted to us), ticket to the exhibition and a photo of us!

Had lunch at a nearby Cha Can Ting and went back to our hotel to put the stuffs that we bought at the anicom.

Rested for a while and headed to Stanley market. Ride was long but nothing much there. It is really for the tourists as many shops are selling souvenirs, like those at Lucky Plaza in SG. View is not bad though, and there are a row of western restaurants facing the sea.

Had our tea-time there before we left.

Hubby using free wifi

View from the cafe
Back to Wanchai as hubby needed to go back to the comic shop to buy more stuff. I had a walk around Times Square and bought some stuff. My loots for the day!

Guess what is the thing labelled 黑? It is cotton buds in black! Bought it as hubby's ear were itchy, haha.

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