Friday, December 10, 2010

miniature dachshund?

I need to continue my Taiwan post but haven't had the time and energy to go edit all the photos yet. I'll post something interesting and cute first. 

check this out!

cute? :) it is called nanoblock which is like a super tiny Lego. bought this on the last day in Taiwan at a bookshop. we bought 2 actually, one is this which is a dachshund and the other I shall keep you in suspense until I've completed it. since baby zq is not at home and I have some time, I decided to start with the dachshund.

there is an instruction manual inside that is in japanese but the illustration is sufficient. so exciting! me and my sisters loved to play with Lego when we were young and this is like going back to the times when we played, except that this is miniature in size and I'm playing it by myself now. duh! -_-''' Well, it is certainly not difficult and I've finished it in like 15mins? but it is really fun, to see the body formed, then fixing on the legs and tail, attaching the head, and finally a treat (bone) for it.

And... VIOLA!!!!!!

adorable? *beams*
the good thing is, many extra pieces were provided and you can put them back into the plastic and seal it up like a ziplock!

p.s. stay in tune for the next nanoblock!

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