Saturday, September 18, 2010

happy first birthday to my little baby ziqing....

It has been a year! Time really flies...I can still remember vividly the day I was at the hospital, waiting for baby zq to arrive, bearing with labour pains (before epidural saved me!), hubby accompanying me, hubby helping me to count "1-10" in the labour room, hearing the first cries from baby zq, struggling to breastfeed her, receiving all the well-wishes from families and friends.....etc....

::About Baby Zq at 1 year old::

1) she LOVES milk, each feed is 240ml

2) her feeding schedule: 2 times porridge (with meat and vege of coz) and 3 times milk per day [need to start introducing cereal for her brekkie)

3) weighs 11.4kg (not overweight, as she is tall too!)

4) able to call "papa" but not "mama" :(

5) able to say "baobao" (carry), "ball", "mum-mum" (only happens when she is distressed, hungry for food), saying her own language which only herself will understand

6) her definition of sayang is to lie her head onto whichever part of the body she can reach (be it us or her toys)

7) likes to point with that index finger of hers, directing us to go wherever she wants, or point her finger at you, waving and say "orh-hor"

8) has a fetish for remote controllers and keys

9) likes doraemon (or so we think)

10) loves to play peek a boo with whatever available

11) crawls at a super fast speed

12) able to pull herself to stand and walk with support at increasing speed (but still dare not walk by herself)

13) able to slide tummy down from the bed

14) able to understand what we are saying to her (2-way communication!)

15) starts to be naughty, knows how to scream and cry loudly when she does not get what she wants. [need discipline!]

It has really been a long way...from a little baby who only drinks and sleeps to a big yet little girl now who knows what she wants..oh and before I forget, point no. 16) she is a creature of habit (quote from my sis), anal about things that are not in place. For example, her papa will put his socks on the floor (which is to her eyes, out of place) when we go over for dinner at my mama's, baby zq will point and say "orh" repeatedly until the socks are out of her sight. Like yesterday, PIL brought her to a friend's house nearby, there was a leaf that had flown inside the house. She kept pointing to the leaf until they had to pick it up and throw it away. I do not know if she is going to be someone who is 洁癖 or a 管家婆 in the future. But point to note, if she is the one who messes up and throw things all over the floor, it is okay! -_-'''

Anyway, back to the birthday celebrations. Guess she will always get to have 2 cakes, 1 in sg and 1 in jb. We had her birthday celebration on 12th Sep in SG at my mama's. Family and relatives only. Oh yah, and her first birthday cake! Ordered a customised doraemon-themed birthday cake for her and she was happy! (actually, I think she would be happy and excited with whatever cake in front of her, haha)

Play time with her 小舅舅 who is just 5 days older than her..

Actual day 16th Sep Birthday celebration in JB.

HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY, my dear girl....


Xiaoxin (小心) said...

i love your baby's Doraemon cake!! :)

park residenze said...

haha..thanks...we think that she likes doraemon...;)