Saturday, June 11, 2011

Baby Ziqing @ 20-21 months

[started this post when baby zq was 20mths, but didn't manage to finish, so updating it now at around 21 mths...haha]

3 more months to the TERRIBLE TWO! haha... it is a phrase used describe a behaviour of testing boundaries and finding limits. More info on this can be found from the 2 websites below:
The Terrible Twos: Fact versus Fiction
Terrible Twos - Not About Good or Bad children!

After reading both articles, I think I have already experienced it since 1 month ago! Anyway, this post is more about baby zq's growth and development at 20-21 months. To be honest, I'm not sure of the ability of an average toddler at 20 months but from what she has accomplished, I am already very proud of her. *beams*

Language and Cognitive
1) Able to recite numbers 1-30 in English. Have not started to teach her in Mandarin yet. [updated at 21 mths: much to the surprise of everyone, she rattled off 1-10 one day in Mandarin! my mother asked if I teached her, but  I didn't!]
2) Able to recite the Alphabet in the form of singing the sing "ABC". Although sometimes, some letters are missing, but it is good enough for me.
3) Able to recognise numbers and letters when shown.
4) Able to "fill in the blanks" during sing-a-long and story telling.
5) Communicate only in Mandarin as we speak Mandarin at both me and hubby's home. Thus, we have enrolled her in the English class at Julia Gabriel.
6) Knows the difference between 大大 and 小小.
7) Blabbers to herself while playing her toys (starting to learn her to play by herself).
8) Repeating every word you say.

Motor Skills
1) Able to feed herself with spoon although about 1/10 of the food will fall into the bib.
2) Able to aim and kick a rolling ball.
3) Likes to take a cloth/tissue and go around the house wiping the tables and chairs, trying to imitate the cleaning auntie that goes to my mother's house 3x a week.
4) Likes to doodle and is able to draw "1" and circle (not very round but able to join both ends)
5) Able to turn the cap of the bottle.
6) Likes to stack things one on top of the other. [updated: managed to stack 8 upright big mahjong tiles]
7) Able to climb up and down the stairs with 1 hand supporting the rail.
8) Shakes her butt and body whenever she hears music.
9) Expert and using the iPhone to go to the applications that she wants. (trying very hard to minimise her usage of the hp)

Behaviour and Social Skills
1) She is the friendly neighbour, who waves hi and calls out whenever she sees them going in/out of the house.
2) She is the friendly baby, who says hello and calls uncle or auntie to whoever is in the lift with her.
3) She is the overfriendly baby, who hugs other babies (other=stranger) whenever she feels like it.
4) Sometimes, she is the naughty baby, who throw things or beat you just to test your patience.

I am a first time mother and I am really amazed at the speed of growth of a baby. I strongly believed it is due to the storytelling and bedtime singing while she was a baby that helped her learn things very fast. Talking to her (just as you would talk to your friend same as your age) also helped her to learn the correct phrases and words. Having read that a 2-3 yr old brain is 80% that of an adult encourages me to even teach her more things now.

photo taken at the zoo at 18mths

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